The Start of Ironman Training

How is it already December?! It’s been an amazing year (despite all of the internet saying that 2016 was the worst) filled with racing, quality time with those I love, and pursuing a career. Looking back, I think about how I raced 4 triathlons this year, and managed to podium at 3 of them, enjoying every day of training along the way. As an athlete, it was a season of massive growth and I enjoyed getting a taste of what I was capable of. I think of how living back at home wasn’t so bad, especially when I got to swim in the morning with my dad, hang out with my sis Mia, and spend every evening with my mom. I’m now moved into my own apartment, but I manage to go home quite often to see the family. Working for almost a year now with Mighty Oak Medical has been a huge blessing and experience. Working for a startup has its own challenges, but it has a ton of rewards as well! But the time has come to start looking forward to a new year, with even more accomplishments and growth. Here’s a qu...